Happy [almost] turkey day!! I don't know about you but I am ready for Thanksgiving... I really enjoy this holiday and having a few days to recooperate [I've been feeling a bit under the weather]... I had the privilege of attending the ACSI Convention Monday and Tuesday and now I am able to spend some time with my family...
So here is a wrap of our two weeks of Thanksgiving in the Fantastic Frogs...
Paper Mache Turkeys
{Oh my word.. these were such fun and the kids really enjoyed the process}
Day One: Balloons, Newspaper & Watered down glue..
We wrapped a piece of maksing tape with the kids' initials written on it around the bottom so we could tell whose was whose {Disclaimer: I'm not sure if this grammatically correct}
Then we waited for them to dry over night...
Day Two: Brown Paint
Day Three: Feathers, Heads & Popping the Balloon
Tada!! Our Paper Mache Turkeys... Adorable, right?
Counting Tail Feathers
[this is a freebie in one of my previous posts]
Letter H
The kids had to cut out H and then decorated it with stickers that began with H
[hearts, hot air balloon, and cat in the hat stickers]
Handprint Turkey Hangers
{I saw this idea on pinterest...Handprints on cheesecloth/burlap, painted cardboard, and pipe cleaners decorated with colored pasta}
and finally our Thanksgiving Feast
This has been Thanksgiving in a nutshell...and next week we will be learning about the five senses through a gingerbread man themed unit... I am so excited!!
I don't have any freebies for this but Shannon over at
Kindergarten Hoppenings has some A.W.E.S.O.M.E. gingerbread man activities that we are definitely going to be using..So head over there and check them out! I am also excited to be part of the Gingerbread Man Exchange happening at
Growing in Pre-K the kids have no idea yet so I can not wait to see their expressions...
On that note I pray that you all have a blessed Thanksgiving and enjoy the "little moments" with the ones you love...