Wednesday, August 24, 2011

{Where is All Goes Down...}

Today's focus on Blog Hoppin' is sharing classroom pictures [I am so excited about this day!] I can't wait so see what all of your classrooms look like..I get so inspired by things I see...

Here it goes...I posted some of these in an earlier post so I apologize for the repeats... Our first day of school is September 6th, so my room is still a work in progress... I'll try and post some more pictures when its a "finished" product..
This is the back houses my beautiful book shelves..It is filled with all sorts of fun stuff...Books, art supplies, writing tools, pencil boxes and when school starts lunch boxes... The blue cabinet holds my other materials [I also have a bin that lives outside]

My cubbies with their cute froggy labels :)  This shelf also houses many of my personal momentos..

Calendar/Circle Time Area... Here I post our learning objectives preschool style.. number, color, shape and letter cards.. I have also incorporated the counting hands and leader of the day which I first saw at Pre-k Pages... You can find the info here...
The envelope goes along with the Leader of the Day activity described at Pre-K Pages.. It's a great activity and my kids love it!

Dramatic play area.. I'm planning on adding a {Home Sweet Home} sign and a writing bag, full of writing materials especiallly for this area...

My Library...I used to have a book shelf with tiered shelves but the books would never stay on the different levels and were always falling.. so last year I started using baskets... I would like to label them, but this works for now.. The kids have access to more books and have an easier time putting them away and taking care of them...

Our Art gallery...

The Manipulative shelf.. the manipulatives are rotated once a month between four classed [two transitional kindergarten and two prek] I am planning on adding pictures to the rest of the science center will live on top of this shelf..
*My other shelves are covered in butcher paper 1) to keep the items clean over summer and 2) because I only allow the kids access to certain areas at the beginning of school..until they learn routines and how to maintain the learning materials and they get excited through out the year when a new area is "opened up" to them... So I will proved pictures of those later on...

Writing area.. It's a little bare right now.. I need to add a few more items... We try to do a mini "published" writing project for each theme so when school starts it will be more colorful...

Lily Pad name tags for my door for the first day of school...

This is a name chart [an idea I got from here at Pre-K Pages] Vanessa has some of the best resources... You can read the details by clicking the link but bascially it is an easy and fun way for the kids to learn name and letter recognition, name writing and acts as a bonus attendance taker!

I just realized I forgot to take a picture of my parent board!  I'll have to add it later--I'm very proud it :)

So that's my's a little small but I love it!  It has definitely become my home away from home... Thanks for taking my tour and sticking through it... I know this was a long post!  Can't wait to see what everyone else has to share...

1 comment:

Vanessa Levin said...

Thanks for the shout out Gloria! Your classroom is beautiful, your students are very lucky to have you as a teacher! I'm so glad you have found my website and blog helpful :)
Vanessa @ Pre-K Pages

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